
Start Of University Life

Friday, July 12, 2013

For those who don't know, I am officially a University student since this Monday, 8th July 2013. 

How I feel?
To begin with, I was so enjoying the life of doing nothing almost everyday, focusing working on my blog, helping my mom with housework, trying to attend as many  events as possible that no matter how long the holiday was, it didn't seem enough. University life just seemed so unreal even just the day before it started. Maybe to an extent I could consider myself pretending that it was not happening. 

Days of late night blogging, late tv shows, long naps are just gone like that. 

First Day
You know how the first day of everything gives you butterflies in your stomach?  The fact that I was almost late added more butterflies in my stomach. 

Luckily it didn't take much time for me to find my lecture room. I had no idea the lecture room would be filled with hundreds of people. WHAT. Exactly. 

Of course the first thing when I stepped into the lecture room was to think of where to sit. Well nobody knows me, nobody knows I'm a nerd or a cool person and so I decided to be the smart person to sit at the front. 

Call me whatever you want I don't care. It was a good seat. Good view of the screen & good view of the lecturer. 

I was afraid of lectures being boring and acting as lullabies but I loved the lecturer. He was so entertaining it was hard to fall asleep. One lecture and I'm sure he would be the best lecturer I would ever had. He was only taking us for 3 days, sadly. 

If I have had a bad lecturer for that particular module, I would have burst into tears on my first day. But no, just the 3rd day when he left and when the module got a lot more complicated to understand. 

How Uni Life Is?
In summary, lots of hard work has to be put in. From paying attention during lectures to working on tutorials at home.
I could imagine those who chose not to attend lectures would have a hard time understanding what's written in the lecture notes. 

It doesn't feel like poly life where you can just not pay attention for 5 mins because once you lost attention, you lost it. 

One single lecture of 3 hours holds so much knowledge you have to take in. Emphasizing, in one day; in 3 hours

Thinking about how I am going to store all of that information in my tiny brain for EXAM makes me sick. 

And if that isn't stressing enough, I have lectures everyday from Monday to SATURDAY for the first 2 weeks. If you gone through that, you wouldn't be thinking "just 2 weeks" because I know that is probably what you are thinking right now. 

When everybody is going TGIF, I will be responsible for creating TGIS. 

After these 2 weeks are over, I am not looking forward to needing to form groups because I will probably be the one in need of one when everybody has their friends in the same class. 

Right now, there is already an assignment awaiting to be completed. Unfortunately, I am the only one in my group studying an extra module so when my group members can spend time researching for the assignment, I can spend my time totured by lectures.. 

 What I Hope For
Good lecturers who are entertaining and won't put me to sleep. 

Me to turn into a genius so understanding every lecture and completing every assignment would be a breeze. 

Better timetable with enough time to do tutorials and revise what lecturers go through every week. 

Be consistent in being hardworking.


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